im back peeps ,today E raseeE sedih sgtt .E da bwt yang terbaik utk die ,tp tah lah !
E tw mmg E yg rosak kan fne tuh ,tp bukan E tw pon bnd to nak jdk ,klo E daa lme tw tk ad mkne nye E nk toka bat3 to .all ,help me !!!!!!rase cm sebesala sgtt .pastu ble die nak E ikott jea ,,tp blea E nak ,huh ,plus plus ag blea die da penat .E tw die tk cukop tido sume tp .......tah lah .hmp ,yea2 da bp ari scholl bukakk dri cuti 2 weeks tp E tk msokk ag skull ,mybe kamis kott br dtg .tah lah E da mlz lah .E jnz blea E da tk minat ,E mmg tk akn bwt laa .pastu td abh marah E cz tk g skull .die tk tw ap2 tros nak marah E .E rase mst popuan to ad ckp pape kt die .sibokk la ko ja.l..g .huh .
E tk suke skola ,E nak blaja ap yg E suke !!tp ma suh E abz an spm lu tp ......E mmg tk minatt .meluat lah bile sume neh jadi .E sedih sgtt cm cm bnd jdk .byk sgt salah paham antre E and F .tah lah ,tgkk jea esok cm nea .klo still cm tuh gaks ,better if E senyap jea @ mintk mf smpai tol die oke ?eeeee .sebesala lah .
E da mintk mf byk kali ,tp dlm kete die syp cm bisu mybe die plus gun penatt ag .smpai umah ,tk ckp ap teros aje tidoo ,agak nye mmg benar la tuh diea penatt .
ohhh peeps ,can you tell me how to solve ths situation ?bayak sgtt bnd yg ad dlm otak neh ..SEBESALAH LAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH .grrrrrrrrrrrrr .hmm ag satu fne die tuh br jea kott anta repair cz mslhn yg samee laa tp np still tk oke ?xoxo
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